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Judicial Handbook on HIV, Human Rights and the Law Launched
Hon. Lady Justice Victoria Katamba, Resident Judge Masaka signing the HIV Judicial Handbook at the launch while Hon. Justice Sekaana (Standing left )looks on

On Friday December 10, 2021, the Judiciary joined other stakeholders at Protea Hotel in Kampala to launch the Judicial Handbook on HIV, Human Rights and the Law which was part of the activities held to commemorate International Human Rights Day.

The Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny – Dollo, in his speech which was delivered by Hon. Justice Musa Sekaana at the Third National Dialogue on HIV and the Law commended the reference manual.

"This Handbook is the first collective effort to assist Judges and Magistrates by providing them with a single reference book to which they can turn to for guidance in crafting their judgments in HIV/Aids," the Chief Justice said.

He went on to note that the Handbook was presented in a user-friendly language and style with reference to clear jurisprudence on HIV/AIDS litigation and adjudication domestically, regionally as well as the global arena.

The Chief Justice further noted that the reference manual identifies gaps in national law and human rights frameworks as applicable to HIV and discusses policies on HIV.

Further, he stressed the need for every court to get a copy of the handbook so that users can easily access and consult them when they encounter cases in relation to the same. 

Rev Can. Dr Gideon Byamugisha, the Chairperson UGANET board, emphasized that such materials should be put in use, given the fact that there are many cases that arise from the effects ofCovid-19 in relation to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. He equally cautioned on the criminalization and stigmatization of HIV victims. 

Retired Justice, Hon. Lady Justice Elizabeth Nahamya presented a paper titled, "Addressing the HIV Legal Barriers: The Role of Justice Actors and Making a Case for the HIV Judicial Handbook."

Hon. Justice Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa commended the organizers for the Handbook which he said would go a long way in the adjudication of HIV cases in the Ugandan Criminal Justice system.

Masaka Resident Judge, Hon. Lady Justice Victoria Katamba was one of the panelists at the launch who discussed the proper handling of victims with HIV while in court.

The launch was witnessed by across-section of Judicial Officers, Dr Daniel Byamukama (Uganda AIDS Commission), Ms Elsie Attafuah (UNDP Country Representative), Hon. MiriaMatembe (Gender Equality Champion), Ms. Sarah Nakku (UNAIDS Country Representative),Mr. Kahbila Mbuton (UN Human Rights), Ms. Beatrice Were (Representative of Communities) and Mr. Paul Mukiibi (Legal Practitioner) among others.

Posted 12th, December 2021
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